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What does your application process look like?

  1. We read your CV and check your skills against the go/ no-go criteria of the vacancy.
  2. Got all the right skills for the job? Great! If that's the case, we will send you an invitation for an initial interview (in person or digitial: whichever suites you better)
  3. We listen to your wishes and ambitions: if we both think our client might be a good match for you, we will introduce your cv to the client's hiring manager.
  4. Ziet de opdrachtgever het ook zitten, dan ga je op gesprek bij het bedrijf. Je leert de specifieke scope, technologie en werksfeer beter kennen. Als je wilt ondersteunen wij jou bij het voorbereiden van het gesprek. If our client is convinced by your cv and our introduction too, you will have an interview with their hiring manager. In this interview you'll get the chance to discuss the scope, technology and office culture. If you want, we can support you by prepping you for the interview.
  5. Match made in heaven? Congratulations! Welcome to The House of Appril. Before we send you the final contract that you need to sign we need some documents from you, which ones you need are described here
  6. Of course we also keep in touch with you during your assignment to how you are doing and to answer any questions you might have.

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